
Friday, January 8, 2010

From years man has been into the charm of colored eyes these colors are very attractive and a beautiful gift of god to the mankind. These colored eyes are sometime considered as the symbol of beauty, sometimes used to attract opposite gender some find it a way of making money when it comes to fashion modeling. Eye colors are complicated to determine by genetic and may also be due to multiple genes.
Eye color is the character and is due to the quantity and type of pigment present in the iris of eye. Eye color may also be due to multiple genes. Eye color are complicated to determine by genetic. Eye colors are of different color ranges from most common black color to rarely existing green color. Here are some shade and their relative coloring present in the Eyes, EYCL2 generate a brown eye shade gene and EYCL3 provides a brunette/blue eye shade gene originate in chromosome 15 EYCL1 gives a lime/blue eye shade gene originate in chromosome 19, Eye colors are generally acquired from parents and they are hereditary in nature as human inherit other characteristics from their parents. Blue eye color is most is considered as the most charming an attractive color among all of existing colors of human eyes
As mankind is always in satisfactory of the gift god has given them people since the beginning were interested to have eye color different from their original one. This desire of human lead to great invention of contact lenses these contact lenses are of different types with color or plane or for those whose eyesight is weak due to any of the disease or circumstances. In this present age you can have eye color even those are not even available naturally like purple, yellow and other who are having demands of blue eyes they can have it.

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